
Friday, June 10, 2011

3 in 30

Well we are 10 days into the month, and I feel like I have been very productive!  However, I haven't really been productive with my goals.  I keep finding other things to distract me. These are the goals that I set for the month. 
3in30 Challenge

  1. Change banks and start using YNAB.
  2. Continue on my cookbook project.
  3. Choose a college, degree, and get started on that process.
I have made great progress with my first goal, but I really have to get to work on my other two.  As for my first goal, I have got everything switched to my new bank except a few dollars that I have left in my checking account.  YNAB is working great so far.  It is even better than I remember from when we used it a few years back. Now, I just have to be disciplined enough to use it! 

As for my other two goals, I haven't made any progress.  :( 

But no worries!  It is just the 10th!  I will get them done!  Hope everyone else is making great progress!

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